FIA Releases Statement On F1’s Decision to Exclude Andretti

In a brief response, the FIA has addressed Formula 1's decision to deny Andretti's entry into the championship in the upcoming seasons.


By Ben Bush
Updated on February 1, 2024

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Andretti’s ambition to join Formula 1 faced a significant setback after passing the FIA’s preliminary evaluations upon responding to a call for new team entries, only to have their application turned down by F1 for the 2025 or 2026 seasons.

The possibility remains open for Andretti to enter the sport from 2028 onward, contingent on strengthening their partnership with General Motors/Cadillac.

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FIA’s reaction to Andretti’s exclusion

In March of last year, the FIA solicited interest from entities aspiring to join F1, and in October, Andretti’s application was accepted following an exhaustive review process.

The issue was subsequently forwarded to Formula One Management, under the stewardship of Liberty Media, which manages the commercial rights. Despite the FIA’s approval of Andretti’s participation, F1 opted against it, later articulating their stance with a forthright statement.

The FIA refrained from commenting on the developments when immediately announced but the FIA have since released a statement to the press stating:

“The FIA notes the announcement from Formula One Management in relation to the FIA Formula One World Championship teams’ Expressions of Interest process,” said the short statement.

“We are engaging in dialogue to determine the next steps.”

FIA President Mohammed Ben Sulayem has consistently backed the Andretti team. This week, the team, under Michael Andretti’s leadership, disclosed details about their preparations and recruitment efforts, highlighting that they have already initiated the development of a 2025 F1 car.

Despite F1 and several teams’ reservations about Andretti’s entry, Ben Sulayem stated that F1’s disapproval does not preclude Andretti from securing a spot on the starting grid.

“What I’ve heard from the legal side is that they [FOM] can say no to the financial [element],” Ben Sulayem told

“But the licence [to compete in F1] belongs to the FIA, so they [Andretti] would be running, but without getting any money, and I don’t think that would happen.

“For me, I am optimistic they [FOM] will not say no, but anything can happen. I just hope they don’t say no because it is so good for business, so good to sustain motorsport.”

Regarding the reluctance of current teams to welcome Andretti’s entry, fearing a reduction in their share of the prize money despite Andretti’s obligation to pay a €200 million anti-dilution fee—a figure expected to significantly increase with the new Concorde Agreement in 2026—Ben Sulayem downplayed their concerns.

“Let’s ask ourselves a question – why do Michael Andretti and GM need the teams’ support? I don’t understand,” Ben Sulayem told

“Do they [the teams] have any say in the admission?”

To the suggestion that the teams’ input is then “irrelevant”, Ben Sulayem responded: “To this, yes.

“In the sport, they are an element, and everybody has the right to express their feeling toward it, but how can you refuse GM? I don’t understand. Just why?”


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About The Author

Chief Editor

Ben Bush

Ben is our chief editor specialising in F1 from the 1990s to the modern era. Ben has been following Formula 1 since 1986 and is an avid researcher who loves understanding the technology that makes it one of the most exciting motorsport on the planet. He listens to podcasts about F1 on a daily basis, and enjoys reading books from the inspirational Adrian Newey to former F1 drivers.

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